Monday, July 06, 2009

The Peaks Island Deluge is Over--We Hope!!

For the last three weeks, Peaks Island has been in nothing but fog and rain. It continually felt like early Spring with chilly temps, wet walks to the boat and squishy, mudgolf being endured whenever possible. Islanders were definitely moving into the grumpy stage. Our seasonal visitors I'm sure felt trapped in their summer cottages with bored kids having nothing to do.

At long last, this past weekend saw the sun break through complete with some dry northwesterly breezes. Maybe, just maybe, Summer has arrived on Peaks Island. The island was overwhelmed as usual with tons of visitors this past weekend. Long car lines were the norm as the 4th of July approached. Both Friday and Saturday, the sounds of lawnmowers trying to catch up echoed all over the island. Yet, we all survived, ate too many hotdogs, watched the fireworks and listened to house parties all through the neighborhood.

The 8th annual Peaksfest went off without a hitch, weather somewhat permitting. I do enjoy watching the kids tackle the pie eating contest and seeing some old friends who needed to move off the island last September. They are missed! Enjoy the hodgepodge of pictures. Maybe next time I can pull together some sort of theme, that is if the weather can hold itself together. Enjoy the Summer breezes.


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