A Late Fall Day in October
Well, Fall is rapidly departing. With last night's rain, the leaves are too quickly appearing on the ground rather than in their respective trees. Time to fire up the John Deere to collect as many as possible and begin to think about putting it away for it's well deserved long winter's nap.
There is still some color but it's too quickly turning to the brown of Winter. By the end of the week, the trees will almost be in their stark, leafless mode for the next five plus months. Fall will really end when Daylight Savings Time comes to an end this weekend. Dark by 4 pm is not a pleasant thought for today. The ladder's still up against the north wall as I'm trying to finish some scraping, caulking and painting before it's too cold. By next week I'll have to move to the south side of the house to catch the sun to work in. Of course I could have done more of it sooner but I always enjoy the fitful race to the finish line. There's a rumor making the rounds of the Island today that we might see a flake or two of white stuff by this Wednesday; now, that's really depressing.
I can always tell that Fall is departing when our borrowed cat Gabby takes to the kitchen table to catch a snooze in the sun. Even she's knowing that time's running out. Here's a couple of pics of where we stand today; enjoy.
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