A New Year on Peaks

Welcome to a new year on Peaks Island. Each December 31st, I pause to consider what's gone by and what lies ahead. This will be my last posting for now. This little blog has somehow survived for about four years. It is time to take a break or at least until the next time I see something interesting and happen to have my camera with me.
I just want to be quiet for now and spend my time thinking and reading about many different things that have come and gone from my life. The self imposed mental deadline of having to find some photos to publish just gets in the way of what I'm now into. I definitely will not take down this little blog so anytime you need a Peaks fix, just enjoy perusing the various seasons I've tried to portray over the past few years.
I just want to be quiet for now and spend my time thinking and reading about many different things that have come and gone from my life. The self imposed mental deadline of having to find some photos to publish just gets in the way of what I'm now into. I definitely will not take down this little blog so anytime you need a Peaks fix, just enjoy perusing the various seasons I've tried to portray over the past few years.
Today's pics are for the most part "borrowed". The first pic is just a classic picture of the Big Mac pulling into Peaks at sunset; something like "home are the islanders, home to the sea". The next two pics knocked my socks off. They're at dawn earlier this week on the Backshore of Peaks and absolutely represent to me the new day/year that awaits us. They are simply stunning. I "borrowed" them from the Facebook account of Mark Shain, a fellow islander. Please, do yourself a favor and pay him a visit at his Facebook account and enjoy his wonderful pictures. The next picture I "borrowed" from I think the Portland Press Herald and utterly represents to me the island at its Summer best. Though we've just come through a nasty Nor'easter, these summer roads will be here before we know it. The last picture is from this year's Christmas Day dinner. Though we were missing Sean and Monika who wisely stayed in Boulder, my imagination firmly plants them in this picture.
So, for now, I'm off to vigorously enjoy a mid Winter hibernation. -Rob-