So Long March!
After days of rain, clouds, fog and overall dreariness, we're crawling over the finish line of March. The last snow departed during the past rainy weekend. At long last we today had a bit of sun and managed to scrape a few wet leaves around and uncovered a few early spring flowers. Let the time of color begin and welcome to the annual Peaks Island Flower Show.
Of course, just walking around the yard is a bit depressing seeing everything that needs to be done but at long last we can at least see it. We've made it from the world of white to the world of brown on our way to the world of green. Hang in there folks, better days are on the way.
It is funny looking up the back road and seeing how much of that road was deposited in our yard during the plowing season. Oh well, this time of year gives us all much to do and at long last we're able to be outside. Of course, we still haven't put away the snow shovels. I've always believed that by putting them away, you guarantee one more snowstorm. I'll risk the laughter of my neighbors for no more snow. Bring on April and Opening Day at Fenway!!