Peaks' Fields of Gold
I think the island survived last night's Halloween activities but some parts of the island have yet to report in. Peaks goes all out for Halloween; kids at Greenwood Gardens, the adults at the Inn, the Landing or house parties. We came back to the island on the 7:15 boat and it was packed with all degrees of costumes heading for numerous parties; a roman centurion, a huge wheaties box, scrubs, elves, princesses, etc. Brought back many memories of the island parties at John Whitman's house; legends which will remain untold.
Yesterday was cloudy in the 50's but with strong winds. The last of the maple leaves are now on the ground. The swamp maples and birches are also long gone. Yet the scrubs and the oaks are still hanging in there and when the sun is out, we are absolutely in an environment of gold. We know that the world of brown is soon to follow and then the world of white but for these too few short days, it's a very special world we live in on Peaks Island. Enjoy some pics of a very special but too short time.