Monday, April 12, 2010

The Greening of Peaks

At long last, the big risk has been taken and the snow shovels are now in the basement. Hopefully, the snow gods will not take advantage of us and dump a nice foot of spring snow on our heads. The daffy down dillies are coming into bloom and the forsythia are coming around more and more by the day right along with the greening and lengthening of our grass. Even the buds are expanding on the tree so I think it's safe to say that Spring has arrived on Peaks Island.

The pics for today are not mine. I stole them from a recent posting on Jim Lausier's Facepage. I really liked the capturing they did of some of our unique island cottages and the sights of early Spring. Thanks Jim and I'll apologize in advance for "stealing" them. Oh well, at least I didn't try and take credit for them. Enjoy.

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Rain, Rain Gone Away

At long last, the rains have stopped falling on our heads and the sun has finally reappeared along with numerous daytrippers for the Easter weekend. We did manage to set a new record for most rainfall in the month of March but compared to poor Little Rhody, we got off pretty easy. For once, living on an island meant no overflowing rivers and streams just a good dose of wet, dreary days.

I had to go uptown on about the last day of the rain so I did manage a few pictures of damp islanders making the trek along with me. It's always amazed me how much "stuff" we manage to lug along on our treks; grocery carts, musical instruments, strollers, kids, et al. No wonder our arms are a couple of inches longer than the normal mainlander. Enjoy the views and more importantly, enjoy the warming sun. It's raking time BUT our shovels still stand ready on our deck just in case!!