Summer is a Verb on Peaks Island
The short period of time between Memorial Day and Labor Day sees Peaks Island absolutely, positively go into hyper overdrive. Day trippers, renters, visitors all seem to carry a mental checklist of stuff to accomplish while they're here. It seems only a few unpack their mental baggage and take to a rock on the backshore or a rocking chair on their porch and just sit and be quiet for a spell. The energy flowing through the Peaks universe seems to increase in intensity until it crashes in mid August with lists uncompleted, books unread, walks not taken and parties not attended. Until that time many islanders, me definitely included, hold our breaths and do our best to stand aside and stay as quiet as possible. Of course, many of islanders totally disappear for this period of time only to finally emerge in September like long lost friends. Occasionally though islanders do find an occasion to come together and celebrate the very special place we live in.
One such occasion was an afternoon spent on the Casco Bay Lines Bay Mist to celebrate the coming 60th birthdays of old friends Joyce Leslie and John Kiely. A nice two hour passage around the waters of Casco Bay with fellow islanders made for a wonderful gathering on a beautiful summer's day. Here's a few pics from this little voyage. I couldn't resist adding the pics of my wife Jill and fellow island councilor, Leonard Cohen affecianado and friend Tom Bohan. Had a few others of fellow islanders but I really liked these so author's discretion won out . There's nothing like a trek around Casco Bay on a summer's day to mark Peaks Island as the way life should be. Enjoy.