Friday, May 30, 2008

So Long to the Month of May

Hard to believe but June comes bursting in this weekend. Last weekend, the first wave of flatlanders descended on Peaks Island and somehow, we all survived. Frankly, I didn't even leave my yard so I spent a very quiet weekend doing yardwork and deck time doing some reading. I did hear we had a full four police officers on duty meeting the hordes coming off the boats muttering "remain calm, all is well" or something like that.

I did get some pictures of the vehicles moving on to the boat. Still, once you're away from the boat landing, the island is still beautiful and pretty peaceful. Enjoy the entrance of June onto the landscape.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Beautiful Calm Before the Storm

It only happens for a couple of days each year but I just can't help myself. I have to take pictures of the "greening" of Peaks. No matter the length or harshness of the winter, every year the week before Memorial Day, the leaves of green reappear and our world changes from brown to green. By next week, we'll be used to it again and resume our hectic daily lives but for one or two short days, we just sit down and appreciate this yearly transition.

The shrubs are flowering, the tulips are awash in their brightness, the yard work is constant, the required painting is still undone, the peas and early lettuce are in and the rhubarb is flowering and best of all, it's still quiet time on Peaks. Of course, all this will end beginning Thursday when the first tide of annual visitors flood ashore on our little island for the Memorial Day Weekend. Since we live on the ocean and watch the tides come in and tides go out, tides of people are just one more facet of living in this beautiful location. We just have to remember to get our groceries packed away by Thursday so we can avoid traveling down front midst the weekend crowds. Party on people!! Enjoy the weekend and have a dog for me.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Green has Returned!!

Yes, the color of green has revisited Peaks Island at long last. This past weekend, the sounds of many lawnmowers and strange, black SUV's with foreign plates pierced the airwaves. Spring has definitely arrived and not a moment too soon. It has been a very long winter and the islanders were definitely moving into the grumpy stage.

The flowering shrubs and rhodys are in full bloom and the trees are slowly moving toward leafing out. It's still cool but at least the snow shovels have been put away, the deck chairs restored and yardwork has begun. With some more days of sun the full blown painting schedule can begin. On Patriots Day, 2007, all the Casco Bay Islands were hit hard a very strong n'oreaster which took down many, many trees on the islands. We had a large fir tree pretty close to the house and all I did was watch the ground heaving around it as the winds blew fiercely. We finally took it down and counted over 40 rings in it but it was definitely time.

Of course, that opened up an entire side of our house to much additional light and gardening space so the race is on to fill it in with new plantings. Here's some shots of early Spring on the island; enjoy and survive the week.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

A Spring morning's Mist

Today being a golfing day, I wandered my way down a deserted Island Avenue toward the 7:15 am boat. Apparently, warmer air came in last night so this morning we were greeted by the first fog of the year. Climate change? Please, do not get me started.

It was a beautiful, quiet walk to the boat. Fortunately, I had thrown my camera into the bag. Whatever looked interesting cloaked in the morning fog got it's picture taken. Enjoy and welcome to Spring!!!

Monday, May 05, 2008

Spring--At Last!!!!!

Besides being flat out too busy to think about putting some words on paper, the late hold of winter just wasn't motivating me very much to do anything except read and watch the old telly. This was a verrrrrrry long winter but at last it's gone. The flowers are blooming, the grass is growing, the basements on Peaks are finally drying out and for today, the Red Sox are in 1st place and the Celtics are moving on in the playoffs. It's a very good day.

We had a weekend of rain but today the shining sun greeted the new week as the workerbees sullenly shuffled toward the 7:15 boat into town this morning and the purr of lawnmowers wafted through the afternoon air; Spring has definitely arrived. The lobster pots are piling up nearer to the docks, the first sails of the year are taking place and early Spring painting and chores are taking place like the moving of a shed. Well, maybe not a shed but maybe Peaks Island's newest rental, three holer or our version of affordable housing!! May the sun continue for awhile, the rivers gently recede and the islanders emerge from their winter dens. Let the silly season begin!!