For many years now, New Year's Eve has simply been a quiet evening with a good movie and spending five minutes watching Times Square and being very thankful I'm not there. This year was a little different.
Some island friends planned a small gathering focused around a progressive evening of appetizers, entree and desert at three different homes. About fifteen islanders gathered at each location and spent a hearty four hours enjoying each other's company. Some people dropped out and some were added along the way but most made all three stops. At 11:40 we made off for Whaleback on the backshore and proceeded to celebrate the New Year Peaks Island style.
Steve Richard constructed his very own ball made out of island dingleberry, added some lights complete with its own battery, constructed a lengthy 2x4 complete with a hangman's attachment and pulley, raised it up and awaited the magic hour of midnight. Of course, being true islanders, everyone seemed to have a different time showing on their watches so at approximately midnight, the countdown began, the ball was lowered and a hearty cheer erupted to greet the New Year. A bottle of champagne was cracked and passed among the participants for a quick swig, an out of tune with made up different words for Auld Ang Syne was sung, many hugs and handshakes were exchanged and within five minutes everyone made a run for the warmth of their respective homes. It did represent the very best of the different life we lead on Peaks Island during the winter months. It certainly reminded me of the old television show "Northern Exposure". All we were missing was a catapult. There was a potatoe cannon in Steve's trunk but the potatoes seemed to have gone into the potatoe salad eaten during the evening so it remained unfired. Here's a few pics from a very special New Year's Eve. Best to all for the new decade. May it be a good one for you and yours.