Greetings to August
Hard to believe but August 1st is tomorrow so the "silly season" is about ready to move into high gear. The island survived (barely) some 400 runners this past weekend plus an extended tour of different island houses plus an extended tour of various artist's studios plus a pancake breakfast at the 5th Maine. I need a nap just listing all the activities and I know I missed some!
Between now and when the kids start to leave for home to get ready for back to school shopping and the actual start of the new school year, the Island moves into warp speed mode so that everyone's check list of things to be accomplished can be completed. It's like a last gasp attempt at perfection. Never has and never will happen but each year people try and drive themselves (and me) crazy. The entire Island just seems to speed up until utter exhaustion sets in and then, almost overnight---they're gone and we get our Island back. There is a definite reason my favorite holiday is Labor Day.
This morning I somehow found myself on the early 7:15 boat; must have been something to do with golf. The light was perfect, the low hanging summer fog was drifting about and everyone seemed to have a cup of coffee in hand. It was perfect. There's nothing like riding this boat swapping tales with friends and managing to catch a few pictures of the early morning beauty of Peaks Island. Enjoy; I sure did.