Thoughts on a Soft Day
We've been in rain most of this week which frankly, the island needs. I remember a few years back in the midst of summer, we went for weeks on end without a drop of rain. The cosmic energy of the island spiraled onward and upward as people just got more frantic by the day trying to do everything all at once. A dose of rain tends to bring everything back into its proper perspective. A nice day of rain is a welcomed interlude and a chance to get caught up on reading, napping and just plain thinking quietly. Of course, some go shopping!
I was dredging through some recent photos and found a few of a recent trip into town on one of the last sunny days before the rains came. I liked them since they showed life on the 7:15 boat. Most people are either snoozing or reading but a hearty band of women use this time to catch up on everything that's considered newsworthy AND they're out there Monday through Friday and January through December. They're all good friends so I hope they don't mind being put up on the internet and their secret conversations unveiled! The other pic is simply about the last day before all the boats show up for the summer so it's kind of an ode to peacefullness; see ya again in September!